Saturday, April 13, 2013

I'm back ... Reevaluating and Feeling Blessed

These past two weeks have been full of regrouping and reevaluating...

So, far, I think I have been successful with this ... life is an adventure, sometimes, not always the most fun, but it is definitely still worth the ride, but it has felt good to work on the things that are important to me :-).

With all of this reevaluating, I was questioning my sanity as to why I wanted to train for another Ironman. I have a feeling that, over the course of the next 5 months, this question may come up quite a bit. I know I love the sport, I love all of the people I have met, and it really does ignite a fire in my soul ... But at times, the fire needs a good swift kick in the a$$. I do know this ... It will always be there in some shape or form. This past recovery week, was great for that fire as I got all of my training sessions in :-). Yay me!!!!

I have also started making the shift to get some of my training done in the wee hours of the morning. It's the only way it will get done without the rest of the day getting "in the way". My body is getting used to getting up at the pre-buttcrack, so I am not quite as tired and can actually stay up and spend quality time with the family instead of going to bed by 8:00pm ;-).

I also really have to acknowledge how blessed I am in life. I am still on this earth, I am healthy, I have a wonderful family and friends. I truly am lucky to have so many incredible people in my life.

Today, I am feeling particularly blessed by one of my friends and fellow instructors, Jacque. I went to her spin class this morning to supplement my 2 hour ride that needed to be accomplished, and it couldn't have gone better. She always knows how to give that extra push and make everyone feel successful with their workout ... And in class today, she had some wonderful words of wisdom that i am attaching for all of you to read ... it has stuck with me and, I think, appropriate as this is a blog about Ironman and life :-). After class, I was lucky enough to have Jacque, Tracy, Janice there to continue riding, spending more quality time together ... It was almost like we were outside (um, not at all, but it was great to have the company)!

Jacque has also become my yoga connection and has make me truly enjoy yoga and has taught me how to be in the moment and be present in class. That is a gift. I have downloaded some of the music from her classes and have been playing it in the car and at home, to help bring me back to the present and to help slow me down. I am now, really excited to attend different classes, and embrace different styles of yoga. This has really helped me with just learning to "be". So thanks Jacque :-).

Tonight, one of my dear friends DeAnn will be coming back to spend another night with us before she heads back to Iowa. Always a treat to see her and have that time together :-).

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and make the upcoming week an amazing one! Most importantly, remember, that life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another!!! Until next Sunday!!!

1 comment:

  1. HA, I like to be flat;) Kidding. Glad you are figuring yourself out. Yes, it is crazy to do another Ironman, but you are an Ironman, so this one will be a piece of cake. Good choice to get he workouts out of the way so you can spend more time with the family. I am sure they appreciate it, BUT, don't forget you are worth the time to train when is convenient to you as well. If you want to sleep in a day or two, be sure to do that as well. Keep up the great work.
