Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sick AGAIN, Immune System, Chemo Brain, Dreams and Training ...

Well, guess who has bronchitis AND pneumonia AGAIN?  Yep, you guessed it ... Me. When I met with the doctor on Tuesday, she had no clue as to how I was functioning ... Well, I wasn't functioning very well.  After a long appointment, we have hopefully made the correct plan to get me and to keep me healthy from here on out.  Rest for the remainder of the week was at the top of that plan, so the weekend at the cabin was the perfect thing for that :-). So relaxing and peaceful and a great time with some amazing friends.  I am attaching a photo from our sunset cruise on the pontoon last night. Just incredible. 

You will all be happy to know that I was a good girl and did not swim, bike or run  ... It was very tempting, but I know rest is what I need.  This is my worry with full on rest.  As time keeps ticking away quickly and without me doing anything, I question how am I going to get adequate training in to do as well as I would like to on race day.  I just have to keep the faith that it'll happen and I will get there and be stronger than ever. 

It is frustrating having a compromised immune system. I figured it would be back to normal by now, but it is what it is and I have to listen to my body and all will fall into place.  One of the other side effects that I continue to live with since my cancer treatment is Chemo Brain.  It is also extremely frustrating.  I just wish my brain would return to normal. If you would like to know more about it ... Well, here you go. Wikipedia actually has a whole article about it. Here you go if you'd like an extra read tonight :-).

When talking with others that have had a similar experience, It's good to know that I'm not alone, but frankly, I wish it would improve or that aspect of my life would get better. It makes several things that used to be a piece of cake for me, now challenging and if things get too stressful or overwhelming ... Guess who shuts down...this Betty.  With this challenge, it is another reason why I need to make sure that I get adequate rest, keep life as simple as possible, focus on the things that are important to me and my family and let the rest go. 

All of the above leads me into my next topic ... Dreams. Since my diagnosis, I have been doing some public motivational speaking, writing quite a bit and have been told that I "inspire" many. Well, one of my hopes and dreams has been to make a career out of my mission since I have been diagnosed. domain name has been purchased and I'm wanting to get started working on the website to promote my mission which is Beyond the Boobs, Beyond Cancer, Building Dreams.  So many women receive a cancer diagnosis and feel like this is the end or once they have had surgery and or chemotherapy/radiation, their dreams and goals have to be taken down a BIG notch. One of the messages that like to reinforce is that it's so important to follow your dreams, aim high, and reach for that success!  I still remember when my Oncologist, who I love, told me that I wouldn't be able to teach group fitness while going through treatment, I wouldn't be able to participate in races (running or triathlon).  

Well, just a tip, it's not in our best interests to tell this chica that she CAN'T do SOMETHING or many things  :-). He was pleased when I proved him wrong :-). So, I have quite a bit of work ahead of me to make all if this happen and I know it won't be an easy or quick process, but it is something that I defitnely want to be a reality.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :-)

With all of that out on the table, I am going to take a nap, hope for a restful nights sleep and a strong and healthy body in the morning so I can get back to work. Five weeks until Racine 70.3 and 12 weeks until Ironman Wisconsin!!  

Enjoy your evening and Happy Father's  Day to all of those amazing Dad's out there including my father and my husband Brendon.  And remember ... Life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another!!! Until next Sunday!!


  1. You are TRULY an inspiration.....I'm excited to see what the future holds you for because I know that it will be great and wonderful!

  2. OMG Michele! I cannot even begin to tell you what it means to me to read this just before I go in for my double mastectomy. I hope to be as strong as you and while I have yet to meet my oncologist, it will be my goal to prove him/her wrong a you did and get back to teaching before they recommend.
    Thank you for your inspiration! Rest up, recover, and keep kicking serious butt!!

  3. Great blog this week. Glad to hear you are listening to your doc and getting your rest. Looking forward to checking out your website when you are up and running. Don't know how I can help, but I'm here if you need me. As far as your goals for IM, remember...always start with a plan and then have a couple more plans to adjust to;) I'd say focus on that bike since it is the longest part of the day. Time In The Saddle and hills hills hills. Love ya.
