Sunday, March 23, 2014

Upside down ...

My world and my family's world has even turned upside down in the last 7 days with the passing of my Dad. 

I have said this many times. I am just so sad right now and my heart has broken into a million little pieces. I loved him so very, very much. Yes, he is at peace and I am so happy for that, but I still wish he were still here to hold his hand, kiss his cheek and just be able to tell him that I love him. 

Yes, he was sick. Parkinson's and dementia (Alzheimer's) took his life but will not take his spirit that will always live on inside my heart.  I just really miss my Dad ... but will forever cherish the gift of being able to have him in my life for the past 45 years. 

Hoping the days, months and years ahead will get a little easier ... Just not really seeming possible at this point, but I have been told they will. 

I have included his obituary (it is hard for me to even type that word) so you can get a little glimmer of who my Daddy was: 

And another little glimpse:

That's about all I have in me now. This is going to be an extremely tough week, but I am so very fortunate to have an incredible family by my side and have some pretty fantastic friends that are in my life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!!  

Try to remember that life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another.  ðŸ’—

Here is a photo of my Dad and me at the opening of Grainger Hall. Such a fun night with him!  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Woot woot!!!!

Well, it feels SO good to truly be back at it. Had a great training week with some of my faves doing what I love most. TRX with, T, Sarah and Jess, run with Scott, 2 runs with the running buds, Lisa, Lesley, Sherri and Kathi, 2 power pump classes and 2 yoga classes :-). My heart is happy and full ... And HOLY BUCKETS, I am sore!!!!   I have truly missed that feeling!!  

This upcoming week, I will be adding biking into the mix, then swimming the following week. Rev3 Wisconsin Dells half ironman training is now underway :-). 
Apparently the Rev3 Dells bike course is CRAZY hilly ... Look out for the turtle donning the pink cape and the Effcansah gear on 6/22!!!  

Thinking about the upcoming season also makes me really excited for my Triathlon 101 class that starts in just 9 days. I absolutely love that class and truly love helping people teach their goal of completing a sprint triathlon!!!  Look out Lake Mills, here we come!!!  

Sidebar, but I have been talking and working on this ...SELF CARE.  It has actually been going pretty well. I have been good about keeping the stress in check, saying no, practicing yoga (I was sad that I missed my friend Christi's class, but the weather was craptastic and didn't want to make the trip to Madison that day) and taking a day to regroup at home was really nice. 

I was able to enjoy a night out to dinner with Brendon and Sparky and yesterday, I went with my girlfriend Lisa to watch our kiddos at their last show choir performance of the season. Just incredible!!!!  I, of course, cried watching Jack and all of the other kids out there!  So proud of them all. 

That's all she wrote for this week :-).  Enjoy the night and I'll be back next weekend, but in the meantime, remember ... Life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another.