Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Wash ... And More Thoughts

Well, this week of training was less than stellar ... So much for getting serious right? I have made the decision to let it go and move forward. I can't dwell on what didn't get done. I am choosing to focus on what I DID get done. That's all we can do ... Focus on the positive ... I know some think it's a load of crap, but it's true. Things do not always go the way we would like them to whether it be family, friendships, relationships, work, training or life, but no matter what ... If you appreciate all of the good in your life, the rest will fall into place. Maybe not today, tomorrow, or even next month, but it'll happen ... We just have to keep the faith that it's all going to work out how it's supposed to be.

I did manage to get all of my runs in as well as my strength sessions, so that was positive. This morning was the last long run before my half marathon on 5/4 and it couldn't have gone better. We will see what happens race day, but I know I did everything I could to do my best that day :-).

The bikes and swims did not happen ... The week was a bit crazy and overwhelming, which is not a good combination for me. I have learned this: If life gets to be too much, I have a tendency to shut down. Look how smart I am getting as I get older ;-). So, besides the training on this journey to my second Ironman, working on myself and how I live my life is also a big part of that journey ... Can't wait to see how it all turns out :-).

So, tonight, I will hopefully sleep (I was lacking a good nights rest all week). This week is recovery/race week, so the volume and intensity is low. Perfect way to regroup and get back at it.

So cheers to a successful and not overwhelming 19 weeks ahead!! And
remember, that life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another!!! Until next Sunday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, good idea to focus on what did get done and move forward. You were probably subconsciously tuned into the half next weekend, and that was your priority. Looking forward to breaking 2 hours with you next weekend. Praying for a carbon copy of today or yesterday for race day:) Proud of you.
