Sunday, December 8, 2013

Surgery and Hug Your Loved Ones ...

So ... My total hysterectomy is scheduled for December 30th (Nothing like getting straight to the point huh) ;-). That's quite the way to ring in the New Year right!!!  After my second opinion appointment, and talking with my first opinion doc as well as several people who have been through the experience, I made the decision to have the procedure done. 

Confident that this is the best choice for me (with my history, events of late and for my own personal sanity) and getting it done with plenty of time to start training for for the Wisconsin Half Marathon and the REV3 Half Ironman. :-). 

So, 3 weeks from tomorrow, if you happen to be in the Sauk Prairie Memorial Hospital area, stop by for a visit. I'll be there until New Years Eve. :-)

This past week, I have had three friends experience loss. It breaks my heart for them and I wish with everything in my being that I could take their pain away.  The best I can do is give support and remember to tell them and everyone that is special in my life, how important that they are. 

Live in the present, embrace life and treat those you love with kindness and love. 

I hope you have all had a great week and the week to come is just as good. 

Enjoy the peacefulness of the snowy evening and give your loved ones an extra hug tonight. 



  1. xoxoxo get rid of that insolent organ before it tries to kill you. ;) love you girl. i've tied a knot in the rope and i'm hanging on.

    1. Love you to pieces!! XOXO and hang on tight my dear!
