Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Recovery, Shifting of Schtuff and a New Year ...

Well, surgery was a success ... Woot woot!!!!  I am happy that it's behind me. It truly was the best decision based on the current state of my uterus et all ;-). Recovery is going really well all things considered. I am still pretty tired but am not in a lot of pain, so that is good. The biggest thing is that with the removal of the ovaries, uterus and cervix, my existing body parts are now working their way to their new home inside my body ;-) ... So the shifting/cramping feeling is quite interesting to say the least. Hoping that will be done in about a week or two. 

And don't worry, I am not getting crazy and doing all sorts of stuff. Slow and steady. I am walking when I need to walk and resting when I need to rest, so all is good. It was funny, while in the hospital, I asked both the nurse and my surgeon if I should feel crappier. They both said that most don't feel this good that soon after surgery so I took it as a good sign. Listening to my body is key right now if I want to be able to accomplish everything I have set out to do in 2014 :-). 

Tentative race/event schedule is as follows: 

5/3 - Wisconsin half marathon (registered)
6/22 - REV3 half ironman (registered) 
8/9 - Dairyland Dare 150k 
10/12 - I "think" the Chicago Marathon (still deciding on that one) 

Challenging but manageable and with a goal of finishing while having the best time ever :-). 

With the beginning of 2014, I really have to say that I have been enjoying all of the Facebook posts, messages, discussions that I have had with people about the launch of 2014. At the beginning of each year, in general, we all have such hope, are positive as to what the year will bring and how "this year" will be the best year EVER. I am no different and I enjoy the excitement of what is yet to come. 

One of my new adventures will be to get certified to teach yoga. IT SCARES ME AND IS EXCITING AT THE SAME TIME.  This is definitely what one would think is "out of the perverbial box" for me, but I have really been enjoying yoga in so many ways. The calm and peacefulness it brings, the balance, and it has brought me closer to myself.  This has all been so beneficial. It has taken such a LONG time to embrace yoga and really appreciate it. So, the adventure will be a fun one and just the beginning. Starting with a weekend certification and may move onto my 200 hour RYT after that. We will see what the challenge brings. 

I hope all of you in the Midwest stay warm these next few days as it apparently is going to be wicked cold ;-). Happiest of New Years to all of you and may it truly be your best year EVER :-). Enjoy the night and remember ...  Life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another.  

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