Sunday, March 1, 2015

Learning ... AND possibly getting wiser??

This is what I have learned from working at home in these last few weeks:

1) I love being home and being close to my family.

2) My "commute" is wonderful.

3) I love my job and am looking forward to expanding my knowledge base to be able to assist customers further.

4) It is imperative that get out and do some form of training/exercise every morning, whether it be at a fitness facility or outdoors.  I love seeing friends, trainers and workout buddies as they help make the start to the day that much better and definitely makes my heart happy.  I am lucky enough that my work schedule allows me to accomplish this so there isn't ANY reason why this can't happen. 

I began working on my half ironman training plan that will officially begin after spring break and I can't wait. Changing things up a bit and adding some new elements into the mix that I haven't always made an effort to include. I'm looking forward to incorporating them now. 

5) I have also made a point in these last few weeks to carve out time for myself to just "be".  It's been the best decision I have made, helping me to be a better wife, mother, friend and person in general. Defintiely a work in progress, but forward progress is a good thing. 

With this time I have made a few decisions: getting my USAT triathlon coaching certification is going to be put on hold for a bit and I am going to wait to do any coaching or teaching until 2016. Right now, with my new schedule, I am enjoying having the ability to explore new and different classes, trainings and reading books that inspire. This opportunity allows me to process and figure out what I am passionate about in regards to wellness, health and fitness and where I would like to go with it in the future. I'm excited to see where this will all take me and where and how I will land! 

As I said to one of my friends the other day, maybe I am ACTUALLY getting wiser as I get older ... :-) 

Looking forward to a week of good health, fun and fitness. I hope you have all had a wonderful week and I'll be checking in next week!  Remember, life is short, love it and live it as fully as possible  and always remember to be kind to one another. 

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