Saturday, February 9, 2013

A New Week...and More Thoughts :-)

A new week is upon us...hoping this one will be less eventful than the last, but who knows what life will bring ;-).

Well, the rest of the recovery week as far as training goes went well. On Friday, I did my bike testing to figure out my HR zones. While I was in my long warmup on the trainer in the basement, one of my survivor friends, Molly (she is amazing by the by) posted on Facebook that she was heading to get treatment that morning. Thinking of her and remembering those days, made me want to give it that little extra something for her that morning. Posted something like that to her on her page. She responded with one word "PUSH"!!! At the moment I read that, I was overcome with emotion and thought about all that she is going through and the challenges she is facing as well as all of the others out there who are going through the same thing.

If I could take ANY of that away from her or anyone who is going through treatment, I would in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I am not able to, but I know I CAN do this...I can work as hard as possible, fight as hard as possible to do my absolute best for her and all of the cancer survivors out there as well as those that have been taken from us too early. I am determined to make her and all survivors proud on race well as those that are not with us anymore, especially my friend Max and Katie. I am attaching a picture of Molly and me from Ironman 2010 on the run course. She is just as beautiful now as she was then and I cannot WAIT to see her on race day this year!!!

When I think about not wanting to do a workout, thinking that I am too tired, or that my workout is going to be such a challenge that day...well, it's nothing in comparison to what treatment was like for me and what it IS like for those that I know are going through it now. Chemotherapy is one of those things that one dreads and wants it all at the same time...but it is hope in a bag and I wouldn't change that 12 months EVER.

Days like Friday, always remind me to live my life to the fullest and to do my best to enjoy my life. I, in general, try to focus on the positive, try to remove the negative, and connect with those that reinforce those same thoughts. There are times that I lose sight of this but, when I get those gentle reminders, it brings me back to where I know I need to be.

As always, I get sidetracked, but I bring it back eventually. Bringing it back to day on Saturday...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the day off symbol on my Training Peaks account. And I did just that, well that, laundry and walked the dog. :-).

Today, was the run testing day. Wasn't feeling the best, but as coach Blake has said to me, I did my "best" that I could give today...He is wise in his young years :-). Happy to get that done and have great company with me!!

Thanks to those of you that take the time to read my little blog. It means the world to me. Life is good, enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another :-). Until next time!!!