Sunday, March 24, 2013

An Interesting Week and Only 24 Weeks to Go...

The week was not without it's ups and downs ... Both physically, mentally and emotionally. Life can be a challenge, and I am taking the time to figure out what I want and need out of this life and this sport. I'll get there. I know I spend a lot of time thinking about that ... as at times I tend to over think, but I just want the best life for me and those around me that are important in my life. I will leave it at that :-).

Another weekend away at the cabin was just what the doctor ordered. It it so peaceful up there. Full relaxation seems to set in once we hit Wausau and the mind takes the opportunity to settle. I was able to catch up on some much needed sleep, AND I actually read 2, yes, 2 books!!! I haven't been very good about taking the time or make the opportunity to just sit and read when I am home. That needs to be more of a priority. I know life is going to get busier over the next 6 months, but doing things that I enjoy and that are relaxing are important, as is taking time to just BE. Again, a work in progress.

We had some great family time, playing a wicked game of Pictionary ... So fun to have everyone connected without electronics, cellphones and iPads there to distract ... I actually put my phone "the binky" away ... I know, shocker. We also managed to get out to snowshoe on Saturday (perfect weather for it - I am attaching a picture of the view of the lake from the cabin), do a little shopping and make a trip to the Honey Bear for one of their AMAZING Bloody Mary's. Sunday morning, was a trip to the Tone Zone for my run. It went well and felt good to feel good.

As I'm typing, we are heading back to the reality of life and a new week ... Ready to take it on :-).

I also did the math this morning and determined that this amazing race that I am training for is coming up in just 24 weeks!!!! Ack!!! I am FINALLY well, and feel like I can get back to it full force. Looks like it's good timing as the training schedule that Blake has set out for me will be a challenge over the next couple of weeks. Let the planning of the days and training begin! :-). There are times I question my sanity in choosing to tackle another Ironman, but I love the sport of triathlon, and love the people I have met that take part in this incredible sport along the way. I also love introducing people to triathlon enjoy seeing them get as excited about it as I am. It's awesome to see them succeed by making it to the starting line and to see them cross the finish line!! So fun!!! That fuels the fire within my soul.

I do ask you to see if i have changed my mind when we hit July/August ;-). The sentiments may not quite be the same ;-). The 100 mile bike rides and 3 hour runs can and will be tiring, but as of now, I am excited for them, the nice weather when I can train outside (yes, I am a delicate flower and don't like to train outside in the snow and cold weather). B did say to me over the weekend, that he won't be jealous of the heavy training schedule once summer hits. I am thinking that if I have a cup of coffee waiting for him on an early-ish Saturday morning, that he MAY NOT MIND kayaking next to me out on the lake while I go for a swim in the lake up at the cabin ;-).

So, 168 days and counting ... the journey continues!!!

Make it a great week! May it be filled with some fun and adventure. And remember, life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another!!! Until next Sunday!!!


  1. Just so you know, you inspire me everyday Michele. You are one tough momma ;) <3 Doreen

  2. I see you have started the countdown in of my favorite things;) Enjoy your miles because you can.
