Sunday, June 2, 2013

Another Week Down ... With A Little Freak Out In the Middle

Another week in the life of training for an Ironman has quickly passed. The week ended on a high note, so that was good.  I was able to get my long bike ride in this afternoon.  I need to put more focus on the bike as that is my weakest of the three disciplines ... It is the one that takes the most time, but I have to start making it a priority. I have one more month of flexibility, then my work schedule at the club will be changing, so I will have to stay on track with my rides ... Taking one week at a time and working everything in when I can.  I have found that if I look too far ahead, the load gets overwhelming.  One week at a time is the best plan for me at this point.  

Mid week, I did have a freak out moment, asking myself ... What was I thinking, signing up for Ironman?!?!  I am so happy that I have some pretty incredible family and friends that support me, and reassure me that I can do it and that I have done it before ... besides words of encouragement, many gave suggestions of watching Ironman Wisconsin videos.  That always gets the mojo and the positive thoughts flowing (and tears flowing too as I am an emotional person).  On Saturday, I also saw my friend Dawn, and picked up my kit that I will be wearing for Racine and Wisconsin.  LOVE IT and am so excited to be supporting Effcansah!!  I am attaching a picture :D. (Oh, and if you are coming into the blog late, Effcansah means just that F-cancer). We are working on shirts for Ironman that will be available to purchase at All proceeds go to our Oncologists breast cancer research at UW Hospital. I will let you know when they are available, but checkout the website to learn more about Effcansah. 

So, to make a long story short, my training mojo is back and I am ready to take on the last 14 weeks of training!!!  Diet is in check ... Logging the food again (have had about 5 lbs creep back on), getting my key training sessions in each week, focussing on getting solid rest and recovery and just doing my absolute best! 

Also, today, was the kickoff to the tri season with the Lake Mills Triathlon. Such a great day, but wicked cold and windy. I have to give props to my friend and Tri 101 peep Becky, who was able to complete her first sprint triathlon this morning!  There were to have been over 12 waves for the swim.  Becky was in wave 4 ... Well, due to the water conditions , the race organizers stopped letting the athletes participate in the swim after her wave went off and made the event a bike/run. Happy for her, sad for the other athletes, but it was really the safest choice for everyone. It was a fun morning and I was able to see a ton of friends, both old and new :-). They are a big part as to why I love this sport!!! And I was able to volunteer with one of my dearest friends to boot!!  

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend filled with time spent with the ones you love!  We were able to spend time with a lot of those people last night at a going away party for some wonderful friends of ours who are moving to Ohio. Sad they will be leaving, but happy we were able to take part in the celebration. 

Have a great night and remember ... Life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another!!! Until next Sunday!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your training mojo is back! Great post and it's encouraging to see that even you have struggles in your training! So glad you're pushing through...what an example you are to me!
