Monday, November 4, 2013

Friends, Appreciation and Getting It Checked Out ...

Well, it was an interesting week that is for sure. There are not any wicked awesome training stories to share whatsoever ... It's been a busy week, between work, trips to Madison and trying to catch up on sleep, the training/workouts haven't been all getting done ... Some have, but not quite what I have hoped.  What can you do but just let it go. 

There were some great highlights to the week.  I was lucky enough to have lunch with my dear friend Kris, dinner with one of our fave couples Wendy and Kirk, see my good friend Laura that just moved to Michigan and had come home for the weekend, being able to cheer my friends Kathi and Sherri on at the Madison Marathon (they did awesome!!  Kathi's first and Sherri's second - lights the fire under this bootay to get back to the training) AND lunch with my friend Peter, (those are some awesome highlights that's for sure). I'm going to fill you in on my lunch with Peter. 

So, my friend Peter, who I have known for 20+ years but haven't seen in about 18 years, saw me on the cover of Brava Magazine and said that I should get the print blown up and he would frame it for me. A little background on Peter. He used to own The Onion and sold it a few years ago and now owns a frame shop/gallery.  Any who, I sent him a message asking if he would really do this for me. Yes, indeed he was going to. So kind and so thoughtful. 

When Peter and I met for lunch and he showed the framed photo to me, what did I do???  I'll give you one guess ... I cried. The kindness of people still amazes me.  I have attached a picture which doesn't do it justice, but I wanted to attach it. I am so appreciative and thankful to have so many incredible people in my life. 

On Thursday, the week got a little more interesting (and not in a whoo hoo interesting way).  I went to the doctor for a physical and to get some things checked out that have been a little off lately. Well, the outcome of the appointment ... Ultrasound ordered and was on Friday (score for me ... Because I am fit, they were able to get some great images) and not such a score, I have an endometrial biopsy scheduled this coming Tuesday morning.  I wasn't I expecting that word to come out of my doc's mouth, but I guess it needs to be done.  I will say this, that as soon as I heard the word biopsy, I pretty much stopped hearing anything else that she had to say. The Charlie Brown teacher voice was all I heard. I did manage to hold it together until she left the room, then the flood of memories of the chain of events from 5 years ago came rushing back.  I let myself have a good cry, then had a chat with myself and decided that I need to stay positive and not worry.  I don't know anything now that is different from the day before, so I can't worry about something that could be nothing right?  (A little self talk going on). ;-). 

So, a little request, if you do feel the urge and would be so kind as to send some good thoughts, good juju, prayers (however it works in your world) in my family's direction, we would appreciate it. 

I hope you all have had a great weekend and have been able to enjoy spending time with those you love. Enjoy the evening and remember ... Life is good. Enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another!!! 

1 comment:

  1. If you get a double post from me it's because my first one disappeared when I hit publish. It said something like this...
    All will be well. This is going to be nothing. Just a little aging going on, that's all. While you wait for your test, I can tell you not to worry, but I know you will. So, I'll say, try not to worry. Stay off the internet, get your test results, ask lots of questions, get all the facts and then move forward. You can't change anything with worrying. Be strong like I know you can be. Love you.
