Saturday, February 16, 2013

Goals....and random thoughts...

Well, with about 200-ish days or 28-ish weeks left until Ironman Wisconsin (and I know those of you that are counting, will give me the exact number) :-), I think of all the swimming, biking and running that will take place in order to be ready for that "big day". So far, it hasn't been too overwhelming...ask me again late July or early to mid August how I am feeling :-). It has been really nice to open open up my email and see what is scheduled for me that day by coach Blake and the lovely Training Peaks peeps and not have to try to figure it all out and determine if I am doing the right things at the right times. Each week I have been looking at the schedule and trying to get it all figured out (when's and where's) before the week starts to keep the stress as low as possible. I am really making a conscious effort to keep my life balanced and in a good place. Some days, I am more effective than others, but I am really proud of myself for putting forth the effort. This week, the point was proven with only getting 2 of my 3 swims in. Not what I wanted to happen, but it is what it is. Goal number ONE for this upcoming week...swim all of the swims that are on the plan!! Goal TWO, take a little time for me this week and relax. Let's see how #2 pans out as I have already had to reschedule a "coffee" date with my friend Molly...hoping we can get that on the calendar again soon!!

IRONMAN GOALS: As of now I have FOUR of them...
1) Cross that finish line in honor of all cancer survivors and for those that are hopefully cheering me on from heaven.
2) Honor my own'll be my 5 year canciversary just 14 days after Ironman. :-)
3) Have the MOST fun possible out on the course on race day. I hope to be smiling all day...there will be tears too, but hopefully happy tears. If you have been reading along, I am an emotional person to say the least ;-)
4) Finish the race within my "goal" time...that time goal may change (not quite ready to share it yet), and there will be certain things within my control and out of my control that day, so the goal will not be set in stone...but hoping with all of my focused work, positive attitude and all of your support, I can make that a reality :-).

This journey is a never ending one. At times I question my sanity in my desire to tackle an Ironman again...why did I even think I could do one in the first place??? Everyone has their own reasons. It is such a personal journey. For me, ever since I started volunteering at Ironman Wisconsin several years ago, I have looked at all of those athletes from the wicked fast to the turtle slow people out there, and have always been inspired to do so much more than I ever thought I could. The first time I tackled this was to raise money for a cause I am passionate about, to inspire people (even if it was just a few) and to basically give cancer the big F.U. That pink cape covered a lot of miles from 2009-2010 flipping cancer the big bird!! During treatment in 2009, I think I completed more endurance events than I ever had in one season. Those little toxic drugs were not going to hold this Betty back. :-).

Now, Ironman round TWO, I am still giving cancer the big F.U. but I am in a different place now in the cancer journey. And the reasons are different now...I'll share them as we go (as we all now know that I am a "sharer"). I am also tossing around a few ideas and if I figure them out...there may be a head shaving that will take place the week before the race...we will see. I CAN tell you that I will definitely be wearing my Effcansah kit on race day-pic attached (if you are unsure as to what that means... "F" Cansah :-). Check out the website to learn more about Effcansah and the amazing woman Dawn, that started it. She simply rocks!!!

So...with all those random thoughts out there tonight..enjoy what is left of the weekend and remember...Life is good, enjoy it, love it and be kind to one another!!! Until next time!!

1 comment:

  1. I think we've all thought "why am I doing this again?" You'll do great cuz most of it is mental, right?! Love ya.
