Saturday, December 29, 2012

The New Year, 2012 and Getting Serious...

Well, 2013 is approaching fast!! I have to say, I am ready for it...2012 was good overall, a few big highs and a few big lows and a lot of in between. (Again, sometimes my point gets a little off track, but I do get back there, so bear with me).

Biggest high, we bought a cabin up north. Absolutely love it up there. Have been dreaming of a place for years and it became a reality this summer.

It's funny, or not so funny that cancer always comes into the conversation. One of the reasons that we purchased the cabin was because of my cancer diagnosis. We had the discussion, what if the cancer returns and we didn't ever to see that dream come true (and totally random sidebar, but I have had about 10 people come up to me in the last few months asking if my cancer had come hasn't, in case you are wondering). So after a lot of planning, searching, and more searching (our realtor was very patient), we found one that fits the family perfectly.

Quite often I think about how the words "you have cancer" can really change someone's life and perspective. I won't ever forget that day/moment (9/22/2008 at 10:16am). It has DEFINITELY changed me. I think for the most part in good ways, but I know I can still be a pain in the ass, so I guess I haven't completely changed :-). One of the many good things that have come from my cancer diagnosis is that it has made me really think about what makes me the happiest, what is really important and what and who are worth my time and energy.

The definite low of 2012 was losing my friend Max this year...another person taken too soon by cancer (there is goes, popping back up into conversation). He was such an incredible friend to so many, an amazing husband, father, brother and son. I feel so blessed that I was able to call him my friend even if it was for 5 short years.

A little backstory on our friendship. We met because he was my daughter's soccer coach, made the connection there as we both played soccer for quite a while. When his cancer came back two years ago, our friendship became is hard to describe the connection between cancer survivors. There are things that we can only other cancer survivor friends completely understand this. No one wants to be a part of the club, but when you are in it, the friendships made are pretty incredible.

Over these past two years, there were a lot of cups of coffee (well tea for me) that were drank. In the last two months of his life, I felt privileged to be able to spend as much time as I did with him. There are a lot of hard days and a lot of INTENSE conversations. Conversations that I will take with me forever. I will always cherish the last time I was able to see him. It was only for two minutes, but I was able to give him a big hug and tell him that I loved him. He is in my thoughts daily...I talk to him quite a bit. I hope he can hear me. :-).

Onto 2013 and getting SERIOUS... With training starting on Monday, I need to find a balance between, home, work, training and keeping the fun in life. The balance factor, is at times a challenge for me. If I get too overwhelmed, I shut balance with a smile is the goal :-).

Training will need to be serious and will take a lot of dedication, but it won't consume my life. As always, I am looking forward to the fun in training and racing. I have a great group of friends participating in Ironman this year and a great group of friends that are not, but are willing to train with me :-). The hubcap is willing to run/ride with me too. And, I will hopefully be able to make it up once a week to a training session that my coach leads. I will also try to find that happy place with running alone...that hasn't ever been easy for me. A big part of the reason why I chose this sport was because of the commaradere, and that the sport of triathlon was BIG fun, so want to make sure I keep both of those elements there... with dedication of course :-).

The other thing I need to get serious about...I am putting this out there...I need to get myself into Ironman shape. I had gotten myself there before my surgery, but have gotten a little too comfortable with the holidays and feeling like I can eat whatever I would like. When the pants are getting tight, it doesn't matter what size they are, it means that something needs to be done, SO 8 weeks, 8 pounds to lose. I know it can be done...It is now out there, and will help keep me on track :-).

So here's to a new year, filled with fun, friendship, love, support, sassiness (yes, I just typed that), challenges, dedication, goals and wicked fast race times ;-)! Enjoy and looking forward to an awesome 2013 with all of you!!

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