Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Doc, Training and Thoughts....

This morning, it was a full house in Power Pump...55 peeps to be exact!!! We got it done and had a little fun while we all worked hard this morning :-). Extra bonus for this instructor, one of my participants brought me 2 dozen farm fresh eggs!!! So excited about that!!! Total sidebar but, they are brown eggs. I have a weird thing in that I only like to eat brown eggs. So, I was extra happy about the eggs :-). After class, I came home to take a quick shower and then I was off to Madison, AGAIN. You would think I have moved back with as much time as I have been spending there. I was headed to see my favorite doc...Not too sure what has been going on with me as I have been sick for about 8 weeks, so I thought, let's finally get it checked out.

Well, guess what...this chica has Bronchitis AND Pneumonia...how awesome is that. No wonder why I have been feeling like cr@p for such a long time. My doc said, "Tell me, how are you doing ANYTHING???" I said, I guess when you are used to feeling like cr@p for that long, the body adjusts and it becomes the new normal. So, with a Z-PAC prescription, a phone call from my Mom to B (she hasn't EVER called him, so, frankly, he thought something happened with my Dad), and orders to take it easy for a few days...hopefully, I will turn a corner in the next few days.

Again, looking forward to the spring weather where we can open windows and get the "sick" air out of the house...and for those of you telling me I need to get a flu shot...I will be, just need to wait until this junk is at bay, but it is a doctor's order...I promise I will listen.

Have to say, again, that I love my coach and that he is genuinely concerned about how I am doing and how he wants me to make sure I listen to what my doc is telling me. So, the plan is adjusted, AGAIN. I do also have to say again, that my team is awesome too. They have been so welcoming and made me feel like a part of the group already...can't wait to race with them this season.

So, training will be low key until I am on a complete upward swing. I have to keep telling myself that I have time, and all will be good come race day. I am just so excited for the upcoming season and I want it to be a great year...another sidebar...my hubcap said that I am really becoming a good runner :-). This Betty has picked up some speed...didn't think I cared anymore about that aspect, but it is fun to see what one's body can accomplish...imagine how speedy I will be when I am healthy!!! I do have to say that dropping those 15 lbs was helpful too...less to carry around. I am still a buck 35, but I will take that. Back on track, I am looking forward to being a triathlete again after a couple of years off.

Onto thoughts...it has been a rough start to the week, partially because lave been sick, partially because, another person with BC has passed away too young. This really affects me...just hard to not be sad and scared at the same time. We never know what is going to happen in our life and what our path is. Regarding cancer, many people have said to me, they took out the cancer, you have had chemotherapy, what are you worried about...it's over. I am only speaking for myself, but it really isn't EVER over. The thoughts that go through my head when I am sick for an extended period of time or if I am having an issue that doesn't seem "normal", Can be scary at times. Fortunately, my Oncologist and Primary Care Doc's haven't EVER made me feel silly or stupid for my worries.

I DO KNOW, that these times always help to light a fire under me and make me want to continue to do what I am doing, stay on a healthy path, not dwell on the "what if" (at times it is a bit of a challenge) and hopefully inspire a few peeps along the way. I'm really not sure what God's plan is for me...frankly, I don't understand what his plan is most of the time, as he has made some choices for friends that I would not have made. One in particular is that I still miss my friend Max terribly. I, selfishly, wish he were still here, to talk to, to just have that time with him. Those days always made the day a good day. I'm sure his wonderful wife and children miss him so much more than I could ever imagine. As I've said in previous posts, I still talk to him all the time, hope he is listening, and truly believe that he gives me signs that he is listening in his own way.

Sorry to end so heavy, but, sometimes, that's just what life throws at you. Enjoy the night! I will, hopefully, be sleeping by 9 pm :-).


  1. Good words of wisdom "not dwell on the what if". Remember to listen to yourself. Keep up the spunk.

  2. Thanks Penny...love you bunches!!
