Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Week Complete...and Next Week

A few thoughts and reflections on the first week of training.

1) It was not my brightest move to start with formal training while up north on vacation and while the kiddos were on Christmas break. There was some juggling that needed to take place. I did my best to keep the first week from getting too overwhelming, as I don't do we'll with that. With being gone for the first couple of days this past week and the kids having school for only 3 days and trying to get back into a work groove, it got a little hairy. I didn't want to move any of the workouts around, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I did get all of the training sessions in that were on the plan so, YAY ME!!!

These are things I have figured out early on:

The swim...well, that is a work in progress...It has been such a long time that I have swam on a consistent basis (that won't be a problem now). But today, I had a swim "lesson" with Blake and it went really well. I learned a lot and definitely have some things to work on, but manageable fixes and I am hoping to see results from the work I will put in over the next month :-).

The bike, I need time in the saddle to suck it up and enjoy it fully again. The rides have been been both challenging and interesting, so I am embracing what is planned for me and how it will make me a lot stronger. I did not get on my bike at all in 2011, and rode about once a week for most of 2012...Here is where I am at now. It feels good to be back on my bike, I am already excited to get outside and ride, and I even incorporated one of my training rides into my spin all good :-).

The of now, the run is my love (I never, ever, thought I would say that, but I really do enjoy it). Some of my running buds were nice enough to join me for the scheduled 60 minute run. Yowza!!! That was definitely challenging, but we did it and all did well!!! These runs are forcing me to push the envelope, which is a good thing. I have been a "runner" for almost 10 years now, and in the last four years, I have always been good with being the turtle; running with friends who like being the turtle with me, facebooking during races (yes I do), stopping for pictures on the course and all that good stuff. The goal has always been to finish and have the most fun possible!! This year, I still want to still do that, just at a quicker pace. That is part of the reason why I hired a coach, right?

2) Coach Blake. I am so happy that I first, decided to get a coach and second, I am extremely happy that I decided to work with him. The swim session today with Blake sealed that deal. I was his priority during the time I had my one on one. With every email I have sent, he has responded to my questions and concerns promptly and has been really encouraging. Some of the workouts, I haven't understood, as some of the lingo with the swim and bike are new to me and he has taken the time to help me understand. A big WIN in my book. AND, I really feel like he wants me to succeed, which is huge for me :-). Another win is the other individuals that Blake coaches. I know a few of them, and got to meet a couple more peeps from Team BBMC today, I am really looking forward to getting to know the group as individuals and as a whole in the months to come!

3) Sleep. I need to be consistent and make getting to bed at a reasonable time and getting adequate rest a priority. I don't typically burn the candle at both ends (some of you may disagree), but at times I know I am not getting enough zzzz's and need to S.L.O.W. D.O.W.N.

4) Weight. I know I have shared this before in a previous post, but being at my optimal weight when more intense training starts will be key. I am heading in the right direction, so that is good and will keep that focus of fueling my body with the right things. The goal is to keep the waist smaller than the chest this point, I am good. :-).

5) I need to add massages into my race budget...simple as that. In oder to keep myself healthy and injury free, I think it will be an important piece. there is a local guy that everyone keeps telling me to go to, so going to check him out in the next couple of weeks.

I do have to say that after my swim session today, I am SO EXCITED for this upcoming race season and can't wait to see what my potential really is :-). Not winning anything, but I definitely am going to do all I can to reach my goals :-). Sidebar, but I am crying again... I am an emotional and passionate person, what can I say...some may find it endearing, others not so much, but hey, that is part of what makes me, me :-).

Now, moving on to next week...I already have my swim and run scheduled for tomorrow. I should be done with both of them by 9:15. That will be a good thing as my day will take a not so fun turn at 9:40am. Our dog Comet will be going to the big dog park in the sky. He is a sick little guy. I had the discussion with the vet, and we both decided that it was the best decision for him. I remember him as a little 1.5 pound peanut. It absolutely breaks my heart, and I know there will be some sad days ahead. I am hoping Ted (our Golden) won't be too lonely. Ted has always liked Comet a lot more than Comet has liked Ted (Comet does not enjoy Ted AT ALL), so we will see.

I have quite a few things to get done at work this week and plenty of training (but not too crazy) so that will be helpful in keeping my mind occupied...and we have another up north weekend coming up...SO WOOT WOOT on that!!

Hope you all had a good weekend...go Pack!! (Do I admit that I really don't watch football??). I am excited to take a hot shower, get into my Jammie's, snuggle up and watch the season premiere of The Biggest Loser...then fall into bed and catch up on some needed rest. Be back in a couple of days :-).


  1. Love reading your updates Michele and will look forward to following your updates through this journey. Molly and I are committed to working the race this year. YEAH! We will be there to cheer you on. You are so inspirational and I admire your passion and dedication to succeed. Stay strong and follow your plan.

  2. Thanks Heather!! And YAY!! How fun will that be!!! It's going to be a great year!!

  3. Sounds like a great start. Keep up the good attitude.

  4. I as well love to read your blogs. You are such an amazing person. Keeping on track with your workouts, being a Mom, wife, instructor, and fitness director is a tough balance and you make it look easy. I will be thinking of you tomorrow as you visit the vet. May the force be with you. Have a great week-looking forward to Friday as my abs still ache.

  5. You do make it look easy.
