Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sleep...I Need More of You...and Comet Too...

Well, week two is going well training wise except for the sleep part. I have needed to get up earlier than normal the past couple of days, AS IN 4:15am-ish. I think that in the back of this melon of mine, I was worried that I wouldn't wake up or my alarm wouldn't go off. Something silly like that. Anyway, I fall asleep right away, but have been waking up at 3:30am and not able to fall back to sleep...huge buzzkill :-(. Tomorrow, no early workout, but a run and a swim later, so hopefully I can catch up a bit tonight.

I also got this cool gadget (this relates to the sleep part of the post too, so don't worry that I got off track) from my two SIL's for my birthday (not for a couple of weeks), but they gave me the Jawbone UP. Pretty amazing little piece of technology. You wear it on your wrist and as it tells you how many steps you take throughout the day. It also buzzes at you if you are inactive for more than 30 minutes. It also tells you what your sleep pattern is. At this point, not sure if I think it's cool or if it is stressing me out. When I got up this morning, I synced it and it told me that I slept for 5 hours and 34 minutes, 3 hours and 22 minutes of that was deep sleep and 2 hours and 12 minutes was light sleep....it actually sounds about right....I would like more sleep tonight...PPLLEEAASSEE.

So, that's my sleep deal.

Onto Comet...it was not a good day yesterday as I had to take him to the vet to put him down :-(. I miss that little guy. He was my snuggle bunny when I go to bed. It's a little different to have a 90 pound golden try to snuggle with you as opposed to a 10 pound shih tzu. Comet did have the last laugh though...when I got home from the vet, I realized that he took a huge dump in the middle of the family room (when I took him to the vet, he ran right to me, so I didn't actually go into the house). I had to laugh, because that is something that he would totally do. He could be a pain in the ass, but he was my little pain in the ass. I don't like that the house has been SO quiet. I'm not used to that. He was definitely the noisy one between the two. Ted isn't too sure as to what is going on. He keeps looking for him both inside and outside the house. Makes me sad for him. I am not ready to get another dog. Maybe in a year or so. We have always had two dogs so this will be a definite adjustment period.

I am attaching one of the few pictures we have of both Ted and Comet close to each other...Comet was NOT a fan of Ted.

Nite all! Sweet dreams and sleep well!!!


  1. Awww, that's a cute photo. It'll take a while, but you will get use to the quiet. Don't stress about the workouts yet. If you miss an alarm, adjust your workout. Talk to Blake about that and see what he says. I would think you are exhausted by days end waking up that early and putting all that work it. Sweet dreams.

  2. bless comet's heart xo
